Jefferson County Rescue Mission
We provide food items and other items for this wonderful effort. Some of our members are active volunteers at the ‘Mission’. Our youth collect items to help the mission out as well.
Corozal School (Belize)
This wonderful effort is supported by the Twin City family. Folks from the congregation have been actively participating in this work for many years. Several trips a year is undertaken by these wonderful workers to facilitate the school with needed aid and help. The investment that these wonderful workers put into the work in Belize is simply amazing.
Twin City has been involved with the Honduras work for a few years, in the area of Corquin & Potrerillos, in the Copan area. Part of the work in Potrerillos focuses on equipping the locals (beginning with the members) with the skills to farm. This goal is to help the folks be self-sufficient.
Ne-O-Tez Camp
We also support the wonderful work at Camp Ne-O-Tez. This is a special place indeed.